Active members have access to all Club facilities and amenities, including a well in the Harbor and voting privileges.
Social members have full Club privileges except well- renting in the Harbor and the right to vote.
Legacy members are children of a GPYC member with access to full Club privileges except well-renting in the Harbor and voting privileges.
Non- Resident members do not have their main residence or place of business within 75 miles of the Club and have full Club privileges.

Candidates for membership must be sponsored by three Grosse Pointe Yacht Club members and attend a reception to meet the GPYC Board of Directors. The Board elects new members during their monthly meetings. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age.

Grosse Pointe Yacht Club and its members are pleased to host visiting yacht club members, whether by land or by sea. Explore our reciprocal clubs list to see if your club shares reciprocal privileges with ours.